Sunday, December 14, 2008

Conversations With Burger Man

There's this Ramly burger stall near my place that I frequent. The stall is located near a busy intersection along a row of shop houses. Therefore, being the considerate citizen that I am, I normally park my car a few blocks away and walk up to the stall to get my burgers (as opposed to double parking which most idiots resort to). Since this guy's (let's call him Burger Man) burgers are quite popular, there's usually quite a long queue. He even has a tag line ..."Deli Burger: It's worth the wait." While waiting for my Burger Ayam Special, I usually get into small talk with Burger Man.

One day, he said "Jimmy, next time you should call before you come. I will have it ready for you. Don't have to wait so long. Call me 15 minutes before you come."

He then pointed to a placard in front of his stall: "0XX-XXXXXXX - NO NEED TO WAIT. CALL 15 MINS BEFORE YOU ARRIVE."

Although it's quite a neat idea, it isn't quite useful for me. I usually grab a burger when I am in the vicinity for chores (e.g. collecting my laundry, getting petrol, groceries, etc).

So I quipped "Bang, you should also have delivery as well la. Like McDonalds."

"Adaaaa" he said. "We provide service up to your doorstep."

"Huh? Seriously?"

" call me to order. In fifteen minutes you drive down here and give me a honk; I will deliver to your doorstep...your car doorstep" he said with a grin.

"We also used to accept orders via e-mail too. But its quite a chore la, running up and down from there" he said, indicating to the cyber cafe two doors down.

Talk about being pwnd. Sigh

Japanese Zoo Drill (plus bonus joke)

Man...if you thought my previous post about the home security system was absurd, check out this video of a supposed Japan zoo drill.

I am not really sure if this dry run would be useful if a real rhino does escape....

While watching the clip, I recalled this gem of a joke...

A Japanese man who just landed at LAX walks up to a money changer. He hands in a bunch of Yen to the cashier.

Japanese Man: Amelican lollars, prease.
Cashier (handing over the Dollars in exchange for Yens): Here you go, sir.
Japanese Man (frowning): Why so little?
Cashier: Fluctuations...
Japanese Man: Oh yeah?! Fluck you Amelicans too!

Racist jokes never fail to crack me up. Sigh.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Supernatural" Home Defense System?

This is amazing. You know the usual news about burglars breaking into homes during the holiday season? Well, this home owner seems to have found the perfect solution to safeguard his home.

He returned home after Hari Raya Haji to find a burglar trapped in his house. Instead of contacting the police, he called an ambulance to rush the burglar (who was fatigued and dehydrated after being trapped in the house for 72 hours) to the hospital instead.
This is the interesting bit. According to the burglar, he "was blinded once he was inside and felt like he was in a cave". When he tried escaping he "felt a ‘supernatural figure’ shoving me to the ground".

Read the full article in The Star:

Burglar who picked the 'wrong' house

Imagine if this "security" system is installed in houses, banks and even vehicles. I bet you (a cup of teh tarik) that crime rates in Malaysia will spiral down to zero!

...Wishful thinking, I know. Sigh...