Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Class Clown

According to Billy Crystal, there’s a distinction between a class clown and a comedian. A class clown according to him “was the guy at graduation who walked out to get his diploma, would hike up his gown, moon his parents and run off the stage”. The comedian on the other “was the guy who talked him into doing it”.

Now, I am not saying that I am a comedian (although I try hard to be funny – sometimes with disastrous results; but that’s a story for another day). But it certainly brought back memories of Mohan, my best pal when we were 9 or 10. We went to the same school and were in the same class.

Mohan was always looking for attention. He was a single child. His dad was a civil servant and his mom was a nurse in a government hospital. Since both his parents worked, he would be left alone at home in the care of his elderly neighbour. I guess the lack of attention at home explains his yearning for it in school. He would laugh the loudest at jokes. He would make the class laugh by giving the silliest answers during quizzes. Once he even brought his mom’s Cosmopolitan magazine to school and showed it to everyone. Now, when you are a boy of nine or ten, Cosmopolitan with its racy articles and glam shots of models was pornography (heh…those were the days). OK…I am digressing. Anyway back to the topic.

Mohan was a personality. He was the most boisterous kid in class. During breaks, everyone would gather around him to listen to his outrageous stories. I remember that his antics used to get him into a lot of trouble – in fact he was marched off to the Discipline Master’s office no less than ten times. And more than once, I was the culprit behind it all.

One of these incidents occurred during Ms Ang’s English lessons. She was very strict about us not eating in class. We used to have a game where we passed around a bag of M&Ms or Smarties and pop them into our mouth whenever her back was turned. It turned into a game of Chicken; everyone was trying to outdo each other by trying to pop as many of those candies as we possibly could into our mouths. After a while, Ms Ang got to know of our ruse. Once she caught any of us, she would force the guilty party to hold out his tongue; thus concealing a colourful tongue. I can still remember her shrill screams, “CLASS! FOR THE LAST TIME! NO FOOD IN CLASS!!!”

Then one day, I came up with an idea. Every Wednesdays, we had art class right after Ms Ang’s English lessons. Therefore, we would bring along our art supplies – paint brushes, water colours, and crayons. It was during one of these Wednesdays, when we were doing a particularly boring English assignment when Mohan took out his crayons and started doodling on his workbook (If I remembered correctly, it was a battle scene between Batman and the Ninja Turtles). It was then that the proverbial light bulb triggered in my head.

“Hey Mohan, remember what Ms Ang said about no food in class?”

“Uh huh…” his eyes were lighting up with a mischievous grin.

I guess he could anticipate the excitement in my voice, knowing that I am hatching up something naughty once again.

“Well, those crayons aren’t food are they?”

“Uh huh…” A grin was developing on his face.

“So if Ms Ang catches you eating them, she wouldn’t be able to punish you right?”

“Ha ha ha…I guess not” he laughed out.

Several of our classmates sitting near us were starting to look in our direction; knowing very well that Mohan’s goofy laugh was always the preamble to one of his famous pranks. Mohan broke his green crayon in half – the one that he was using to sketch Donatello hitting Batman in the crotch with his staff – and popped it into his mouth.

“How is it? Does it taste good?” I was trying my best not to laugh out loud.

“Yuck…it’s horrible” he grimaced.

“Wait. Here try this one. It might taste better.” I egged him on, handing him a yellow stick of crayon now.

By this time, the whole class was on to his act. Several of them are starting to giggle now. Noticing the attention that he was getting, Mohan beamed.

“Mmm, Jimmy. This one tastes better. Pass me the red one. I think it might be strawberry flavoured” he exclaimed loudly.

One or two of the boys begin to laugh out loud. This seems to have a snowball effect on the class. All of the sudden, the whole class erupted in laughter.

“What’s the matter?!” Ms Ang shouted.

Several of the boys pointed towards Mohan. Ms Ang’s piercing eyes are now trained at Mohan.

“Mohan Ramasamy! What the devil are you up to now?”

“Nothing, Ms Ang. I am just rearranging my crayon set.”

Mohan tired to put on his most angelic face. Ms Ang was not about to buy it though. She walked over to Mohan.

“Are you eating in class again?”

“Err…no” Mohan was trying his best to stifle his grin.

“Open your mouth!”

Mohan opened his mouth. With a smile, he stuck out his multi coloured tongue.

“OK young man. Hand them over. Where are you hiding the candies now?”

Ms Ang looked around his desk looking for the evidence.

“I didn’t eat any candies.”

“Then how do you explain your tongue?” Ms Ang hissed.

“I was eating these” he pointed to his box of crayons innocently.

The whole class erupted into another round of laughter. I looked at Ms Ang’s bewildered face. It was priceless.

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